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April 9, 2024

Mark Norman Talks About NSS: Ensuring Canada's Sovereignty Despite its 'Bad Rap'

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Samuel Associates Inc.
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This article was originally published Feb 20, 2023 in Canadian Defence Review (CDR) Vol 30 Issue 1 – NSS: Ensuring Canada's Sovereignty Despite its 'Bad Rap'


In this piece published in Canadian Defence Review, Mark Norman shares his opinion on the reasons why the NSS, despite its limitations and imperfections, remains a critical program to solve national capability gaps and presents Canada with a unique opportunity to demonstrate its commitment and value to its Allies.

VAdm (Ret’d) Mark Norman is a former Commander of the Royal Canadian Navy and a Senior Defence Strategist with Samuel Associates. The Views expressed here are their own and do not necessarily reflect a CDR editorial or Samuel Group position.

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To see full published article, click here.