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Samuel Associates in the News

September 13, 2023
Convention speaker sends ‘wrong message’ CAF culture could roll back under potential Poilievre government, say experts

With the Conservatives putting the spotlight on a former senior military official who has controversially criticized “the woke movement."

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September 5, 2023
Wilczynski: Canada's warning about LGBTQ travel to the U.S. is past due

Recent days have seen a chorus of objections and outright mockery of Global Affairs Canada’s travel warning for LGBTQ travellers to USA.

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July 27, 2023
Michel Maisonneuve: Trudeau shows disregard for military by replacing capable minister in time of crisis

There was no need to move Anita Anand out of defence at this critical time, Canadian Armed Forces to be burdened with a new minister.

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July 5, 2023
Wilczynski: Closing the Canadian International Arctic Centre is a mistake

From addressing climate change to increased Arctic security challenges, the Nordic region demands more, not less, on-the-ground cooperation.

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June 4, 2023
China nearly hitting U.S. warship is ‘clearly provocative’: ex-navy head

China’s close manoeuvring near a U.S. ship in the Taiwan Strait was “clearly provocative,” says retired vice-admiral Mark Norman.

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May 27, 2023
Thinking the 'unthinkable': How China could change Canada's conversation about nuclear subs

If the cold conflict with China heats up, experts say, Canada's surface ships will be vulnerable

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April 26, 2023
Philippe Lagassé: Sure, let’s spend more on defence, but what’s our long-term plan?

Calls to increase Canada's defence spending tend to ignore the long-term trends and the structural conditions that make a larger commitment

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April 26, 2023
We must increase confidence in Canada’s security and intelligence enterprise

Transparency in security and intelligence is a first step. Using intelligence to guide policymaking and developing institutional diversity

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April 17, 2023
Intelligence experts not surprised by recent cyberattacks

Hydro-Québec, the ports of Montreal and Quebec City and the prime minister’s home web page have all recently had their websites attacked.

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April 11, 2023
Wilczynski: We need a rational conversation about foreign election interference, not a circus

Much ink has been spilled about foreign interference in Canada’s elections it has created an important debate about the role of intelligence

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March 17, 2023
Lt.-Gen. Michel Maisonneuve (ret'd): Canadians deserve an operational Navy

I am not a Naval officer. But I am saddened to see Canada once again absent on the world stage.

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March 15, 2023
Behind the scenes, Trudeau’s MPs say a public inquiry into Chinese election interference is the only real option at this point

Former governor general David Johnston has been hand-picked to advise Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s government.

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March 14, 2023
How hard is it to expel a diplomat? Amid Chinese-interference talk, some are asking what Canada has done

Ottawa does not have to provide any evidence to expel Chinese diplomats, or any diplomats for that matter.

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March 10, 2023
Canada's way of life in 'jeopardy' as governments fail to take security issues 'seriously': Mark Norman

Canada’s former vice chief of defence staff Mark Norman says that Canadians’ “way of life is in jeopardy”.

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March 5, 2023
How should Ottawa tackle foreign interference? Don’t wait for probes first, experts say

The federal government should work to develop and pass legislation that strengthens Canada against foreign interference this year.

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March 5, 2023
Feds shouldn't wait for inquiry to combat foreign interference: former top public servants

Canadians are calling for immediate action as concerns around alleged meddling in Canadian elections grow.

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Journalists and other media professionals may contact Samuel Associates through our Media and Press Point of Contact using the contact information listed below. We endeavour to respond to media inquiries as quickly as possible.

Les journalistes et autres professionnels des médias peuvent contacter Samuel Associates par l'intermédiaire de notre point de contact pour les médias et la presse en utilisant les coordonnées indiquées ci-dessous. Nous nous efforçons de répondre aux demandes des médias aussi rapidement que possible.
If you are not a member of the media and have an inquiry about Samuel Associates please fill out our Contact Us page. A member of our staff will contact you during regular business hours.
Si vous n'êtes pas membre des médias et que vous avez une question concernant Samuel Associates veuillez remplir notre page Contact Us. Un membre de notre personnel vous contactera durant les heures de bureau.

Policy on Personal Views

Purpose: This policy clarifies the distinction between the personal views of individual associate consultants and the official stance of Samuel Associates, the Samuel Group of Companies, and affiliate organizations.

Scope: This policy encompasses all associate consultants working with Samuel Associates and the Samuel Group of Companies.

Personal Views: Every associate consultant is entitled to hold and express their unique personal views, beliefs, and opinions. Such views are distinct from and do not represent the perspectives or policies of Samuel Associates, the Samuel Group of Companies, or affiliate organizations.

Non-representation: When articulating personal views, associate consultants must avoid claiming or implying that they are expressing the official position of Samuel Associates or its affiliated entities.

Clarification Requirement: Should any ambiguity arise, consultants are obligated to clearly indicate that the views they express are personal and do not echo the sentiments of Samuel Associates or its affiliated companies.

Public Communications: Associate consultants who communicate their views in a public forum, including but not limited to social media platforms, blogs, public speaking events, or media appearances, must ensure that they clearly state or imply that the views expressed are their own and not those of Samuel Associates, the Samuel Group of Companies, or affiliate organizations.

Use of Company Resources: Consultants should refrain from utilizing company assets, including email addresses or branded materials, and its professional networks to express personal views.

Conflict of Interest: If there is a possibility that a consultant's personal views might generate a conflict of interest or adversely influence their professional obligations, it is mandatory for them to inform Samuel Associates' management in advance for appropriate deliberation and direction.

Consequences: Breaching or misinterpreting this policy can lead to disciplinary measures, potentially including the termination of the consultant's agreement with Samuel Associates, the Samuel Group of Companies, and affiliate organizations.

Review and Updates: The policy is subject to an annual review to ensure it remains pertinent and accurate.

Effective Date: September 1, 2023

Approval: Goran Samuel Pesic, CEO Samuel Associates and Samuel Group Inc.

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We leverage our industry and government expertise, breadth of experience, and our people’s passion to help drive client success.


Journalists and other media professionals may contact Samuel Associates through our Media and Press Point of Contact using the contact information listed below. We endeavour to respond to media inquiries as quickly as possible.

Les journalistes et autres professionnels des médias peuvent contacter Samuel Associates par l'intermédiaire de notre point de contact pour les médias et la presse en utilisant les coordonnées indiquées ci-dessous. Nous nous efforçons de répondre aux demandes des médias aussi rapidement que possible.
If you are not a member of the media and have an inquiry about Samuel Associates please fill out our Contact Us page. A member of our staff will contact you during regular business hours.
Si vous n'êtes pas membre des médias et que vous avez une question concernant Samuel Associates veuillez remplir notre page Contact Us. Un membre de notre personnel vous contactera durant les heures de bureau.

Learn more about us

We leverage our industry and government expertise, breadth of experience, and our people’s passion to help drive client success.

Policy Statement

Purpose: This policy clarifies the distinction between the personal views of individual associate consultants and the official stance of Samuel Associates, the Samuel Group of Companies, and affiliate organizations.

Scope: This policy encompasses all associate consultants working with Samuel Associates and the Samuel Group of Companies.

Personal Views: Every associate consultant is entitled to hold and express their unique personal views, beliefs, and opinions. Such views are distinct from and do not represent the perspectives or policies of Samuel Associates, the Samuel Group of Companies, or affiliate organizations.

Non-representation: When articulating personal views, associate consultants must avoid claiming or implying that they are expressing the official position of Samuel Associates or its affiliated entities.

Clarification Requirement: Should any ambiguity arise, consultants are obligated to clearly indicate that the views they express are personal and do not echo the sentiments of Samuel Associates or its affiliated companies.

Public Communications: Associate consultants who communicate their views in a public forum, including but not limited to social media platforms, blogs, public speaking events, or media appearances, must ensure that they clearly state or imply that the views expressed are their own and not those of Samuel Associates, the Samuel Group of Companies, or affiliate organizations.

Use of Company Resources: Consultants should refrain from utilizing company assets, including email addresses or branded materials, and its professional networks to express personal views.

Conflict of Interest: If there is a possibility that a consultant's personal views might generate a conflict of interest or adversely influence their professional obligations, it is mandatory for them to inform Samuel Associates' management in advance for appropriate deliberation and direction.

Consequences: Breaching or misinterpreting this policy can lead to disciplinary measures, potentially including the termination of the consultant's agreement with Samuel Associates, the Samuel Group of Companies, and affiliate organizations.

Review and Updates: The policy is subject to an annual review to ensure it remains pertinent and accurate.

Effective Date: September 1, 2023

Approval: Goran Samuel Pesic, CEO Samuel Associates and Samuel Group Inc.