Success Story

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Aerospace & Space: Helping a Space Company Reach for the Stars

April 13, 2023
Samuel Associates

Key Achievements Summary

• Increased brand and capability exposure in the Canadian market
• Connected the firm with key private and especially public-sector players and decision-makers in the Canadian Federal Government  
• Facilitated business-to-business partnerships with three major Canadian industry primes
• Secured a federal government contracting vehicle

The Canadian space sector is flourishing, and many companies are looking north. But without visibility or Canadian-based connections,  companies looking to expand into the market can benefit from support. Samuel Associates helped a promising international space company with a footprint internationally and in the US move from an unknown marketplace position to a contender in the Canadian space ecosystem within 18-months

Breaking Into a New Space

The publicly traded company had a stellar product that had already achieved results in the US and other markets. The firm wanted to expand the product’s reach and discover other market opportunities. However, the company needed to lay the groundwork to launch its product in Canada

The company had to clear a couple of clear hurdles to realize this vision. Without a Canadian-based office, team the company lacked the infrastructure and platform to market its product and connect with Canadian audiences, particularly the federal government.

As a newcomer, the company also had yet to demonstrate a track record of success in Canada. The company still needed to cultivate relationships or develop partnerships here. It was still looking to build on its success elsewhere, attract private- and public-sector clients, and land its first Canadian contract.

Creating a Presence, Facilitating Contacts

Samuel Associates was excited about a product that promised to further the North American space sector and was eager to help. Together, we established the need to elevate awareness of the product and the company. In turn, we drew on our tradition of innovative excellence and growing expertise on strategic space issues and strategized with the client to identify meaningful pathways for generating exposure of their brand and product.

Beyond visibility, consultations revealed that the company needed introductions and relationships with the right audiences. With the client, we developed a blueprint for creating touchpoints with key players in the Canadian space ecosystem and then facilitating those connections

A Player in the Canadian Space Sector

With a winning blueprint in hand, the company achieved impressive results. The firm enjoyed a degree of visibility where none had previously existed. They secured significant marketing opportunities through three high-profile trade shows within Canada. Further, SA assisted with finding buzz-generating digital venues for sharing its valuable insights and excellent product, such as industry podcasts and virtual programming, that cater to Canadian audiences.

The company’s multiplying connections with players in the Canadian space ecosystem yielded commendable results, too. The introductions Samuel Associates helped facilitate led to business-to-business partnerships with three major Canadian industry primes.

The firm made respectable inroads with the Canadian federal government as well. Thanks to our guidance and planning, the value of the product and company became apparent to relevant departments, which solicited data and analytics. As a testament to this deepening relationship, the federal government ultimately granted a Request for Standing Offer (RFSO) to the firm.

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