Success Story

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Manufacturing: Reenergizing An SME Manufacturer

April 13, 2023
Samuel Associates

Key Achievements Summary

• Modernized and aligned the company brand with shifting market and government priorities
• Reengaged with key institutional actors
• Created a pathway for helping to shape Requests for Information (RFIs) and Requests for Proposals (RFPs)

As business circumstances change, so must strategies. Samuel Associates saw this dynamic at play when a Quebec-based SME in the manufacturing industry struggled to win government contracts. At the risk of being outbid by their international competitors, we provided and contributed to executing a successful and bilingual strategy to reenergize the brand, reengage lapsed relationships, and ensure the company’s continued success within twelve months.

Stalled Growth

In recent years, the company’s growth in the federal-public market had taken a back seat to commercial business that sustained the company. The company would benefit from a future-looking, multi-market, growth-oriented trajectory that remains a hallmark of our firm’s approach.

The company had tried to re-establish its relationship with the government. Unfortunately, these efforts had not delivered the desired results. The government had not accepted the company’s last bid.

Standing Out in a Crowded Space

In consultation with Samuel Associates, the company concluded that its brand needed refreshing. The company’s public-facing assets no longer showcased its notable attributes and many successes in a way that reflected evolving trends and struck a chord with clients. Generating new business meant finding the means to stand out in a crowded space and learning to adapt quickly.

Increasing business also had to involve cultivating new connections. Given the importance of government business to future growth, we devised a plan to jumpstart those relationships through the rebranding initiative that harmonized with the government’s shifting priorities.

Reengaging Government

We helped the company to realize its potential. We enabled the company to revitalize its public-facing content, including its website, social media posture, and visuals. This extensive, multi-media, cross-platform rebranding gave the company an enhanced and attention-grabbing presence that invited engagement from current and potential clients.

With the client, we also succeeded in re-engaging the company’s relationship with the government. With reintroductions made and a clear understanding of current government priorities, the company had a fresh opportunity to achieve proactive and impactful dialogue with buyers in the public sector.

These initiatives paid dividends for the client. The channels of communication that had been reinvigorated contributed to maintaining productive discussions between the company and government buyers. Through these ongoing talks, the company was put in a good position to shape future RFIs and RFPs.

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