Success Story

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Secure Comms: Seizing Shifting Circumstances

April 13, 2023
Samuel Associates

Key Achievements Summary

• Increased company visibility and partnership with some of Canada’s largest telecommunications providers
• Assisted the company with a successful public-sector cyber-security testing, validation, and accreditation process
• Created a viable path for the company to secure a government contract

An ever-increasing number of online transactions run on novel technologies and systems. Seizing the business opportunities connected to the digitization and its growing infrastructure can prove daunting, especially for smaller firms. With a breadth of expertise, the team at Samuel Associates has advised companies on how to anticipate shifting circumstances, navigate the complexities of unknown spaces, and enhance their portfolios. The firm helped a small, remote communications provider achieve visibility in nine months and enter relationships with some of the most significant telecommunications players in Canada’s private and public sectors.

The Elusive Partnership

The company had a tested product and an active client base. It devised timely and secured solutions for customers who needed protected methods for sharing highly sensitive and classified materials in the remote and hybrid settings that have multiplied since the beginning of the pandemic. The company already counted management corporations and large telecommunication firms among the users of its tested solutions. But government clients remained absent from the firm’s portfolio. In addition to expanded business-to-business partnerships, the firm wanted to fill that client gap.

Orienting Toward Government

The company’s product was clearly relevant to the numerous government entities entrusted to secure sensitive information. However, the firm needed to raise awareness within the government of its offerings. Firmly committed to furthering the national interest, we worked with the company to develop marketing and outreach strategies that continued to resonate with the private sector and speak to the needs of the government. Since cyber-security testing, validation, and accreditation formed a crucial priority of the government, we assisted the firm in pursuing these credentials with the relevant government departments and agencies.

The revamped approach, of course, required an attentive audience. To that end, we helped the company identify suitable private- and public-sector partners for dialogue. We then made the introductions and orchestrated the opportunities for the firm to display its incredible services and value-enhancing products. This also included creating and vetting targeted business-to-government communications material that would change depending on the breadth of the audience.

An Accredited and Appealing Government Provider

Working with the Samuel Associates team, the company achieved impressive outcomes. They became known to a wider pool of private-sector actors, including a large telecommunications provider. We helped secure the company’s exposure with government entities and enter meaningful dialogue with them.

Our team walked the company through a successful cyber-security testing, validation, and accreditation process with the Government of Canada. Impressively, this initiative, along with the connections and relationships built, put the company in an advantageous position to win a future government contract.

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