Updated on:
January 27, 2022

Joining WiDS, A Good Start for the New Year

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Katie Majkowicz
Digital Marketing & Communications Specialist
Samuel Associates Inc.
(613) 292-3936
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This year, I am very excited to announce that I have become a member of the Women in Defence and Security (WiDS) organization. 


WiDS is a not-for-profit organization. It has over 2,000 men and women members who work to promote and support the advancement of Canadian women in careers related to the Canadian defence and security domains through professional development, informal mentoring, and networking events.

Central to its mission are its three strategic pillars: 

  1. Recognizing excellence,
  2. Developing talent, and
  3. Creating connections.

These three pillars are at the cornerstone of WiDS and its mandate of "developing a community that works together to transform culture."


Joining WiDS has been my intent, especially after learning more about it through two of its prestigious members, President Lorena MacKenzie and the Co-VP of Industry Relations Defence & Security Debbie Goodleff. Observing first-hand their dedication and hard work to advance women in Canadian defence and security careers truly inspired me to join. 


"WiDS is a key organisation in developing the careers particularly of young women who want to work in the defence and security domains.  The partnership with Samuel Associates indicates the importance of WiDS’ efforts, and, as along-time member, I continue to be grateful for the chances and opportunities that I have been afforded over the years," remarks Valerie Keyes, Professional Development Executive, Samuel Associates.


I feel that being part of this diverse and inclusive community will enable me to actively work to make positive changes to our society in line with WiDS's mission. 


Furthermore, I want to thank Samuel Associates CEO, Goran Samuel Pesic, and the firm for encouraging and supporting me to pursue this goal. 

I look forward to contributing to WiDS in any way I can to support women in the defence and security sectors, especially.

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To see full published article, click here.