Updated on:
July 5, 2024

Samuel Associates Announces The National Naval Reserve Monument Association As Its 2023 Halifax Citadel Reception Charity

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Katie Majkowicz
Digital Marketing & Communications Specialist
Samuel Associates Inc.
(613) 292-3936
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On an annual basis, Samuel Associates chooses a charity to partner with in advance of DEFSEC Atlantic, Eastern Canada's most significant security and defence tradeshow. We proudly announce this year's spotlighted charity: The National Naval Reserve Monument Association (NNRMA) for DEFSEC Atlantic 2023. DEFSEC Atlantic will be held on October 3-5th at the Halifax Convention Centre.

At our annual Citadel Reception, which falls on the eve of DEFSEC, we will highlight the NNRMA’s project to revitalize the National Naval Reserve Monument for a night of networking and cheer at the Historic Halifax Citadel National Historic Site.

Our goal is to celebrate the National Naval Reserve Monument revitalization project's success and mark the centennial of the founding of Canada's Naval Reserve.

The National Naval Reserve Monument

Located on the Rideau Canal in Ottawa, the National Naval Reserve Monument celebrates the contributions of Naval Reservists to the defence of Canada. Inaugurated in 1973 for the 50th anniversary of the Naval Reserve, the monument plaza features an iron anchor mounted on a concrete plinth against a genuine ship’s mast serving as a flagstaff. The plaza also contains two 9-pounder guns, bollards, and informational plaques.

To celebrate the 100th anniversary of the Naval Reserve in 2023, the National Naval Reserve Monument Association will undertake to restore and revitalize the monument plaza. They will refinish the anchor and mast, re-level, and restore the plaza for a re-dedication in the fall.

The NNRMA is chaired by Cdr Sheyla Dussault, a former commanding officer of HMCS Carleton and Cmdre Marta Mulkins, a former commander of the Naval Reserve, who chairs its steering committee. It has already raised over 90 percent of its fundraising goal of $200,000. Donations in support of the project may be made to the Naval Association of Canada by following the procedure set out on the NNRMA’s website.

To learn more about how you can support the NNRMA and the Samuel Associates' charitable engagements and commitments, contact our teams at /

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