Updated on:
August 26, 2022

Samuel Associates Experts Host Government Relations Webinar for Tech Industry Executives

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Katie Majkowicz
Digital Marketing & Communications Specialist
Samuel Associates Inc.
(613) 292-3936
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Samuel Associates continues to meet new audiences and utilize the expertise of its Associates to expand the firm’s business reach. On August 24, 2022, three Senior Associates hosted a LinkedIn live webinar for leading Canadian and U.S tech industry executives to answer the question: Why Does Government Relations Matter Today?


The firm’s President and CEO, Goran Samuel Pesic, was joined by Jamie Baillie, Managing Director Atlantic, and Dave McMahon, Senior Technology Associate, over the course of their one-hour discussion. With Parliament reconvening next month for the Fall, they explained how tech companies can engage with the Government of Canada and how government relations campaigns can fit into their overall marketing and business development plans.


The free information session was aimed at companies specializing in cybersecurity, artificial intelligence, quantum-enabled computing, software solutions, biotechnology, autonomous systems, big data processing, defence and security applications, and other fields.


The federal government announces new projects and initiatives aimed at the technology sector on a regular basis. These may be found in the Throne Speech, the federal budget, mandate letters to ministers from the Prime Minister, Summit communiques, strategy documents, annual departmental reports, and press releases. Though the government actively tries to communicate with industry, fully navigating the government procurement process can be time-consuming for private sector businesses.


In the first half of the webinar, Goran, Jamie, and Dave addressed the top five questions often asked by the firm's tech sector clients. They provided advanced strategies, tips, and answers to help the audience better understand how sophisticated government relations campaigns set companies up for success when selling to the government marketplace. Afterwards, they took live questions from the audience to close the session.


Reflecting on the discussion, Goran noted, “Business development and government relations are not separate fields. The best tech companies use both in tandem to successfully position their products and solutions within the federal government marketplace. Investing in government relations activities does pay off.”


“Through our Senior Associates, a tech company has access to decades, if not centuries, of combined experience we have working with the federal government,” Jamie added. “A smart company could save time and business resources by retaining our firm as their expert government communicator.”


Lastly, Dave concluded with his thoughts: “Samuel Associates brings together deep technical expertise with political savvy in a way that few others in town can. It comes down to our focus on people, programs, and processes throughout our strategic consultancy work.”


Interested in an initial consultation with our team? To learn more about a tailor-made government relations campaign for your tech company, contact us at

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