Updated on:
March 12, 2021

Samuel Associates receives TRACE certification

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Katie Majkowicz
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Samuel Associates Inc.
(613) 292-3936
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Samuel Associates receives TRACE certification, a comprehensive due diligence review and analysis carried out by TRACE, the world’s leading anti-bribery standard-setting organization.

“I am pleased that the firm is now TRACE Certified,” said Goran Samuel Pesic, President & CEO of Samuel Associates. “TRACE certification means that our firm has received the highest international standard and recognition for doing business with aerospace, defence and security, healthcare, financial services and technology companies as well as government organizations. TRACE certification also means that our clients can be assured that we are conducting our business affairs with the highest ethical standards in the industry,” confirmed Pesic.

TRACE is a globally recognized anti-bribery business organization and a leading provider of cost-effective third-party risk management solutions. Members and clients include hundreds of multinational companies headquartered worldwide.

To complement its TRACE certification and anti-bribery training, Samuel Associates abides by a strict Code of Ethical Conduct and Privacy Policy throughout the organization. The firm’s mission is to protect the confidentiality of information at every stage of the client engagement.

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