Updated on:
October 13, 2022

Samuel Associates: The Future of Military Installations Featured in Helicopters Magazine

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Katie Majkowicz
Digital Marketing & Communications Specialist
Samuel Associates Inc.
(613) 292-3936
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Samuel Associates is pleased to announce that two of our Senior Associates, LGen (Ret'd)Yvan Blondin and LGen (Ret'd) Michel Maisonneuve, were published and featured as the lead story in Helicopters Magazine. Their article, "The Future of Military Installations", examines some of the factors that will influence the future of military installations in Canada and their impact on the capabilities of the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF).

The Future of Canadian Military Installations

The current pandemic has delivered both challenges and opportunities to the CAF. Without a doubt, the pressure on short-term military spending should be the top priority for the new Chief of Defence Staff. The case for continued long-term investment in defence needs to be linked to the federal government's intent to bolster the Canadian economy. Increasing security concerns generated through geopolitical factors and climate change will require significant defence expenditures on infrastructure and defence capabilities. Canada needs to be prepared to assert its sovereignty over its Arctic region and the Northwest Passage. Strengthening military installations in the North and Arctic regions needs a whole-of-government approach to leverage infrastructure investments and interdepartmental priorities, plans and budgets. The Department of National Defence's Strong, Secure, Engaged policy may require enhancements (version 2.0) to reflect evolving threats, innovations in advanced technologies and hybrid military activities of strategic competitors in the North over resources and sea shipping lanes. For these reasons, both DND and CAF need to accelerate their timetable in support of modernizing Canada's military installations.

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To see full published article, click here.